Love your morning cup of dunkin donuts coffee but aren’t sure how to make it keto? We’ve got you covered with everything from coffee and tea to breakfast and snacks! Here’s your keto Dunkin Donuts options…

What to Avoid at Dunkin Donuts
Need help knowing what’s keto and what isn’t? Low carb can be hard to navigate, but it doesn’t have to be. Check out this short list on what to avoid at Dunkin, and read our full guide of keto fast food options.
- Donuts– This is an obvious one, but just don’t do it!
- Flavor Swirls- These are the sugar version of flavor shots. Equate them to regular pumps of sugar syrup.
- Refreshers– Don’t get the thought of refreshers mixed up with iced tea. Refreshers unlike iced tea (unsweetened traditionally) are sugar ladden drinks. Each refresher has between 20-35g of sugar per medium drink.
- Steamed Milk– Steamed milk has a lot more carbs than cream or coconut milk at dunkin would so you will want to avoid the extra 12g of carbs per cup.
- Whipped Cream– Whipped cream is delicious and certainly keto friendly in small amounts, but the cream at dunkin is sweetened and full of more sugar then you want.
- Buns and Wraps– If you want a breakfast sandwich or wrap don’t forget to say no bun please!

How to Stay Keto at Dunkin Donuts
Need to make the best possible keto Dunkin Donut options? Here we will share some good tips for ordering keto friendly options at dunkin. To keep with the rules of a keto diet start by:
- Ordering only plain coffee drinks and then customizing it accordingly. Gone are your days of ordering sugary holiday drinks and limited edition lattes. That sugary iced coffee just wouldn’t be keto friendly.
- Order all iced tea/ coffee unsweetened– This is normally standard practice, but sometimes baristas will add sweetener to your iced coffee or iced tea if you aren’t careful.
- When it comes to food, skip the bun!– Say no to breakfast bagels and sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches. Rather, opt for just that delicious meat, egg, and cheese without the extra carbs.
- When ordering flavor shots make sure it’s unsweetened– We touch on this below, but dunkin uses keto friendly flavor shots instead of sugar free syrups. Just make sure you still say you want the unsweetened french vanilla, hazelnut, or blueberry flavor shots to avoid any sugar confusion.
Those are our best ordering tips so you can walk in confident like a pro. Make sure to check out the list of items we avoid in order to have the best keto experience.

Making Keto Drinks at Dunkin Donuts
Want to stay keto at Dunkin Donuts? Make sure to get a healthy and sugar free dunkin donuts keto drink by following these simple steps.
Coffee Bases
You have quite a few coffee base options for keto dunkin donuts drinks. Most carb counts in coffee is only 1-2 grams and usually 5-10 calories depending on size, but starting with the hot drinks we have:
- A Single Shot of Espresso: There are 5 calories, 0g fat, 1g carbs, 0g fiber, 0g sugar, 0g protein, and 1g net carbs
- A Classic Americano {hot or iced} (Size medium) has: 10 calories, 0g fat, 2g carbs, 0g fiber, 0g sugar, 0g protein, and 2g net carbs
- Regular Hot Coffee {hot or iced} (Size Medium) has: 5 calories, 0g fat, 0g carbs, 0g fiber, 0g sugar, 1g protein, and 0g net carbs
- Cold Brew Coffee {Iced} (Size medium) has: 5 calories, 0g fat, 1g carbs, 0g fiber, 0g sugar, 0g protein, and 1g net carbs. Cold brew coffee has a lot more caffeine than regular coffee so keep that in mind when ordering!
Depending on the size you get carbs and calories will change. Usually a large will have .5 extra grams of carbs and 5 extra calories.

Basic Coffee Drinks
This section is for the low carb drink lovers who like a hot coffee with cream or a latte. We’ve broken down all the total carbs and net carbs, as well as included the types of milk/ cream to get in your order.
- A Coffee with Cream {hot or iced} (Size- Medium) has: 90 calories, 9g fat, 1g carbs, 0g fiber, 1g sugar, 2g protein, and 1g net carbs
- A Coconut Milk Macchiato {hot or iced} (Size- Medium) has: 40 calories, 3g fat, 3g carbs, 0g fiber, 0g protein, and 3g net carbs- This drink can be made with whole milk, but would then have 10g net carbs which is why we recommend coconut milk.
- Coconut Milk Latte {hot or iced} (Size- Medium) has: 50 calories, 4.5g fat, 3g carbs, 0g fiber, 1g protein, and 3g net carbs
As you can see we choose to make our keto dunkin donuts coffees with coconut milk. That’s because their coconut milk is unsweetened making it a great low carb option. More on milk choices below!
Milk Choices
While most coffee shops do carry oat and almond milk, dunkin donuts almond milk is sweetened and wont be sugar free.
They also don’t have typical heavy cream and rather heavy cream that’s half cream and half, half and half. That means your main keto options for that delicious iced coffee will be coconut milk and cream.
However, we did want to include all milk options incase you were interested in knowing the net carbs per serving of milk in a cup of your coffee. Each type of milk in a medium coffee:
- Cream: Cream adds 85 calories, 9g fat, 2g carbs, 2g protein, and 2g net carbs
- Whole Milk: Whole Milk adds 45 calories, 2g fat, 4g carbs, 2g protein, and 3 net carbs
- Skim Milk: Skim milk is normally a last choice but it has similar macros to whole milk with 40 calories, 0g fat, 7g carbs, 2g protein, and 7 net carbs
- Coconut Milk: 15 calories, 1g fat, 0 gram carbs, 1g protein, and 0 net carbs
- Almond Milk– Most Dunkin Donuts do not have almond milk and definitely not a sugar free variety so we don’t consider it an option.
Simply adding a splash of milk to your cold brew coffee won’t cause too many carbs to add up, but if you choose to make a latte which is mainly milk; you may want to try cream over skim milk.

How to Flavor Low Carb Drinks
Love flavorful lattes and drinks but don’t love the high sugar high carb macros? Learn how to flavor your favorite low carb drinks so you can keep keto at dunkin donuts.
Dunkin Donuts unlike most coffee chains uses flavor shots rather than syrups. However like normal they have both sweetened and sugar free varieties.
Flavor Shots
Keto at Dunkin Donuts is made easy with their flavor shots. These flavor shots are sugar free and perfect for adding into coffee or teas.
These sugar free flavor shots however are not to be confused with their flavor swirls. There are similar flavors between the two, but the flavor swirls are not low carb and sugar free.
The flavor shots low carb options include:
- French Vanilla- Perfect for a standard latte/ hot coffee that’s made with steamed coconut milk.
- Hazelnut- Great on it’s own in an iced coffee or paired with a caramel flavor shot.
- Caramel- Get in the holiday spirit with a caramel macchiato that’s sugar free and low carb
- Toasted Almond- Another delightful holiday treat, or an everyday cold brew coffee mix in.
- Blueberry- Feeling adventurous? This blueberry shot is the perfect low carb addition to your iced green tea- unsweetened. It adds a fresh fruity flavor that’s super refreshing.
- Raspberry- Another great option if you like Raspberry tea and don’t want all the sugar. Add a shot to iced green tea (unsweetened), and enjoy the delicious refreshing flavor.
- Coconut- This one can really go both ways coffee or an iced tea unsweetened.
Remember flavor shots and flavor swirls are tow different things! They have the same flavors in both, but you want the one that’s sugar free (flavor shots).
Tea Options Available at Dunkin

Maybe you aren’t a black coffee lover, or just don’t like spending a ton of carbs and calories on high sugar lattes. If that sounds like you, you can still enjoy a delicious hot or iced tea.
Each tea at Dunkin has 0-5 calories and only 1 gram of carbs.
Hot Teas
The keto hot tea options at Dunkin are:
- Bold breakfast black tea- 0g calories, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein
- Chamomile fields herbal infusion- 0g calories, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein
- Cool mint herbal infusion- 0g calories, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein
- Decaf breakfast black- 0g calories, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein
- Harmony leaf green tea- 0g calories, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein
- Hibiscus kiss herbal infusion- 0g calories, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein
Iced Teas
Iced tea at Dunkin is NOT their refreshers. Those are cut with lots of sugar making the carb count much higher.
The keto iced tea options at Dunkin are:
- Unsweetened iced green tea- 5g calories, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 1g protein
- Unsweetened iced black tea- 5g calories, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 1g protein
Custom Keto Drinks
Need some delicious and sweet yet keto and low carb drinks? We’ve got you covered with a list of the best sugar free drinks at dunkin donuts.
Cinnamon Low Carb Latte- Coffee Drink (3 net carbs)
A classic coffee drink for adults and teens all around the world. Except now we’ve given it a ketogenic twist. This has all of the yum and none of the crazy sugars or carbs:
- Order a medium Americano, but with only ¾ water instead of all the way full.
- Ask for the last ¼ to be filled with a large splash of cream, steamed. This gives you the creamy latte feel. If your Dunkin won’t steam their cream you can always ask for steamed coconut milk instead!
- Finally, ask for one shot of the Cinnamon unsweetened flavor shots.
- Add 1-2 sweeteners like splenda or stevia to taste.
Almond Joy Style Latte- Coffee Drink (4 net carbs)
Looking for a delicious and festive drink? Try this beach based drink that will take you right on vacation.
- Order a large Americano, but with only ¾ water instead of all the way full.
- Ask for the last ¼ to be filled with a large splash of coconut milk, steamed. Coconut milk will lower the carbs and give you a festive flavor.
- Now you will want to order 1 shot of unsweetened toasted almond, and one shot of unsweetened coconut.
- Add 1-2 sweeteners like splenda or stevia to taste.
A Holiday Special- Toasted Hazelnut and Caramel Latte- Coffee Drink (4 net carbs)
Need some more drink ideas? This espresso based drink is sure to wake you up and fill your mouth with delicious flavors you didn’t even know you could make on this menu!
- Order a large Americano, but with only ¾ water instead of all the way full.
- Ask for the last ¼ to be filled with a large splash of cream, steamed. You can use coconut milk to lower the carbs.
- Now you will want to order 1 shot of unsweetened hazelnut, and one shot of unsweetened caramel.
- Add 1-2 sweeteners like splenda or stevia to taste.
A Tea Tip
Make any of their base teas a little more interesting by adding a shot of blueberry, raspberry, or coconut! You can even do this with their iced teas and make your own keto refresher for just one carb per shot of flavor!
Keto Breakfasts at Dunkin Donuts

If you were looking for a low carb bagel you’ll be sad to know Dunkin has no diet bread or muffin options yet. But, they do have plenty of delicious meat and cheese breakfast sandwich options that you can remove the bread from!
Breakfast Sandwich/ Wrap Options

We had to do a few calculations to come up with these numbers, but we did our best to give you all the nutritional values minus a bun or english muffin.
- Sausage egg and cheese no bread– 310 calories, 3g carbs, 25g fat, 17g protein, 3 net carbs.
- Bacon egg and cheese no bread– 220 calories, 3g carbs, 17g fat, 13g protein. It may be a little small and light on calories out of there sandwiches so don’t be afraid to get two.
- Egg and cheese no bread– 100 calories, 2g carbs, 6g fat, 8g protein, 2 net carbs.
- Turkey Sausage, Egg White, & Cheese- 172 calories, 6g carbs, 6g fat, 19g protein, 6g net carbs.
You can also order any other sandwiches and wraps without the bread for a low carb option. Limited edition products like their sourdough breakfast sandwiches are great options to try without a bun.
Sides and Snacks at Dunkin Donuts

Sadly there aren’t a ton of low carb side options at Dunkin. They do have a few snack wrap and rollup options that you can get without the tortilla, but it’s just a little leftover ham and cheese wrapped together.
The one shining glory snack is their small bag of snacking bacon. They have a sweet black pepper pepper bacon that per 8 pieces is: 190 calories, 12g of fat, 10g carbs, 9g of sugar, and 10g of protein.
This bacon isn’t really keto friendly, but it is low carb if you did a half serving (5 net carbs). You are best off enjoying a small serving of this bacon, or asking for the bag of bacon to instead be made with plain unseasoned bacon.
Dunkin also has their own avocado spread like a guacamole which is a great option to add a little fat a top any breakfast sandwich you may have ordered.

In summary the Dunkin menu is a great option for someone on a keto diet. As long as you skip the large refreshers and muffin, and instead get a large unsweetened ice tea you’ll be fine.
Our go to Dunkin Donuts items are:
- Small or large americanos (espresso drink) made with coconut milk or cream
- All sandwiches and wraps without bread from the menu
- Avocado spread and bacon for a quick snack
- Unsweetened tea varieties
- Unsweetened Flavor shots
Stick to these options and you will be able to rock your low carb diet in Dunkin like a pro!

More Keto Menu Guides
Have more menu questions? Take a look at our other keto friendly restaurant and coffee shop guides to make your perfect meals.
- Keto at Starbucks
- McDonalds
- Chipotle
- Buffalo Wild Wings
- Wendys
- Dairy Queen
- Shake Shack
- Jersey Mikes
- Dutch Bros